Call for Papers

Arts Management Quarterly on "Foreign Arts and Where to Find Them"

As the world becomes more globalized, more people interact with foreign cultures. The summer 2019 issue of Arts Management Quarterly wants to look at how non-native art forms and institutions are exported to and received in foreign contexts. Submission deadline is July 14th 2019.

Dieser Beitrag stammt von unserer internationalen Plattform Arts Management Network:

Arts Management Quarterly is the established digital journal of Arts Management Network, aimed at an international audience. It does not only reflect major developments in arts management and society beyond the national context, it also sheds light on regional developments and approaches that can be inspiring for the international arts sector. 

The summer 2019 issue wants to bring up questions such as: Are non-native art forms in foreign contexts interpreted and received as they are intended to be? Do they even have to be understood in their original way? How do these processes in the context of globalisation change both the "sending” and the "receiving” culture and their relationship? What are the reasons for the interest in foreign art forms and how do they affect the domestic as well as the foreign and the international market? What is the narrow line between cultural appreciation and cultural appropriation? Examples would be Classical Music in China; K-Pop, Cosplay, and Anime as youth culture in Europe; Gospel and Klezmer music as well as Holi festivals detached from their religious contexts; and so on.

Topics and Foci

Papers can represent
  • theoretical analyses
  • quantitative, qualitative or mixed research outcomes
  • examples, experiences and applied case studies from arts and non-profit organization as well as paradigms from other sectors that can be transferred to arts management
  • studies that address micro, meso, macro and cross-level perspectives
  • interviews with cultural management scholars, educators, leaders, and practitioners
  • in-depth experience and knowledge on non-western cultural management
Submission Guidelines and Deadlines
To be considered for the September 2019 issue of Arts Management Quarterly, papers need to be submitted via email at office(at)artsmanagement.net by July 14th 2019. They should include a draft as well as a short CV with a combined total length of not more than 500 words.

The editorial board of Arts Management Network will review all submitted papers and let the authors know about the publication decisions by July 22nd 2019. The final contribution with a length of 2000 and 3000 words should be submitted latest by August 25th 2019 and, if necessary, include references and images.


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Kommentare (1)
Art for Foreigners ?
von rainer glaap, 11.06.2019 13:38
I do not have the time and the ressources to submit a paper - but I would like to recommend one subject missing.
Subtitles in opera performances are the norm - the Komische Oper in Berlin offers even more then one. The Schaubühne in Berlin offers some performances w/english or w/french subtitles. Movie showings in English with or without subtitles - at least for blockbusters - are always well sold in the big cities ...
I think the subject of empowering people to participate via subtitles could help discovering art for foreigners, to turn the title around ...
The same holds true, btw, for exhibitions as well: only a few exhibitions come with additional english texts, almost none with turkish or arabic or or ....

Worth an article?«


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5€-Unterstützungsabo Redaktion

Mit diesem Abo unterstützen Sie unsere Redaktion mit 5€ im Monat. Das Abonnement ist jederzeit über Ihren eigenen Account kündbar.

Preis: 5,00 EUR / 1 Monat(e)*

15€-Unterstützungsabo Redaktion

25€-Unterstützungsabo Redaktion

* Alle Preise sind inkl. der gesetzl. Mehrwertsteuer, zzgl. evtl. anfallenden Gebühren
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